Time to Sit and Reflect

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Quarantine Day 5
I can't believe that I am actually browsing this page that I have abandoned exactly 6 long years ago. My life has been great, alhamdulillah, since I left writing. I am not saying writing is bad for me, but I was a little off back then and most of my writings/poems were depressing ones. I felt writing was like an escapism for me. Besides now I have been super duper busy with my work, my family, my new husband...who is now not so new anymore.

So how and why am I here today? Yes, nothing much to do right now. I am trying hard not to sleep too much actually. Done a little reading, cooking, cleaning, tired of watching tv for too long...so I am pretty much free right now. Due to the pandemic Covid-19, the country is under Movement Restriction Order since last Wednesday. Today is the 5th day. 9 more days to go. However, if the situation is still critical then the government may have to prolong it. That means longer school break, longer time at home which I kinda enjoy it though I am praying hard for the virus to be eliminated completely from us.

Can you imagine? A teeny weeny microbes like this can rock the whole world. Everything is put to a halt. People are dying everyday. It's not like we've never seen or heard of death before, but this time...death is happening at a very fast rate all around the world! People get sick and die like nothing. I felt like it's some kind of purge, to get rid some of the human nation. This virus knows no race, ethnicity, citizenship, nor religion. If it strikes you, then that's it. If your body is strong enough, then you win. Otherwise you will end up 6-feet under. It sounds harsh, but that is the brutal fact.

Maybe it is about time for us to sit and reflect why this is all happening. I guess all this while we have been unkind to the Mother Nature. We are greedy, ungrateful and selfish lots. We forget our Creator, we do things against His will. We are busy oppressing the weak, we brutally murder and take their homeland and happily claimed it's ours, we disrespect others due to differences in our beliefs, and not only disrespecting, yes we kill and slaughter those too. Mother Nature is dying, animal kingdom too has been defeated by us, the humans. I think God has been keeping quiet all this while, waiting for us to feel remorse for the evil things we did. But we never stopped. We are too hooked up with the world affairs. And He cannot keep silent any longer obviously. Thus He sends His little soldiers to wake us up from this slumber.

This is war. A war against human and nature. I hate war though people say it's inevitable. I hate its collateral damage, the innocents. For me, any war can be avoided if we do not drive ourselves to our own greed. But the war, this time, is not gonna be easy for us. However, I still believe we can fight this. The Creator is the one who send this, only He can take them back. I know the scientists throughout the whole world are finding the way, doing their level best to find the remedy. And for the rest of us, let's get back to the Creator. Make duas that He will forgive our sins, make duas that He will help us through this crucial moment, make duas that He will eradicate this virus for good. But of course, not only duas because duas alone will not help. We MUST do our part too, by staying at home, making sure we abide to the restriction order, and most importantly, take care of our health and cleanliness.

And to all the front liners all over the world, please accept my humble gratitude for everything you do to contain this pandemic, despite risking your own lives! I salute to all of you for your tireless and endless efforts to fight this war, day and night, 24/7. May the Almighty protect you and make you strong. And may He protect all of us too, the entire human nation! Ameen.


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