Dearest Blog

Here I am again after 3 days of silence. Well, not really in silence actually. I was pretty occupied updating my other blog, need to hand in to my course coordinator you see. I am done with it last night and I am really glad, feel like half of my burden gone as well. This has been a very taxing semester as I have to do a lot of research works and stuffs. But I have enjoyed myself any way and have gained a lot myself.

Studies finishing, only two more courses to go and 6 weeks of practical teaching early next year. Then I will be free from all this. Gosh!!! What am I to do?? Back to school, teach, attending my gems, then what??

I need to do something about this. I have to work things out. Continue studying? Most probably...I have to make myself busy doing things I like. Otherwise, I will end up being miserable in my life again.


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