The Peculiar Drama In Life...

It has been more than a week since late little Nurin was sent to heaven. But the story about her vicious murder can still be read in the newspapers. Personally, I still feel disturbed and very much uncomfortable knowing the fact that the crazy slayer(s) a.k.a the evil bastard(s) are still out there. I know the police are doing their very best to arrest the bastard(s) and to bring them to justice as soon as possible. So far, they have remanded 4 male suspects to facilitate investigations. And thanks to the FBI agents for coming here to Malaysia to assist in identifying blurred images from the CCTVs.

Like other mothers, I am just concerned too much about the safety of our children. I don’t feel safe taking my little-8-year-old girl shopping anymore, always making sure that I have her hand in mine, never let her out of my sight. And if I run into any young children who have the lost look on their faces, I keep an eye on them until I see the presence of their parents. Maybe I am being paranoid but I do feel that the evil beasts are everywhere looking for their next prey. These sick bastards are out there and they look just the same like any other normal people. Our young ones are no longer safe to walk and play in their own neighbourhood.

How do we overcome this social issue? Nurin wasn’t the first child victim who was brutally murdered and sexually tortured. There were a lot of other children victims who ended up their lives in the same tragic way. Apparently there are so many psychos and sick people out there. The police can arrest these sick killers sooner or later, but will that put a definite stop to all the killings?

Sometimes I wonder, what’s exactly in their head? What’s going on in their mind? What do they feel upon seeing the little children crying in so much pain and begging to spare their lives? Don’t the “so-called human beings” have mothers, daughters, sisters, nieces and relatives of their own? And as for the society, how do we identify these sick people and offer them help before they do anything beyond our thinking, before they harm our innocent children? How do we educate them and make them realise that all the killings are not acceptable in a normal and civilized culture? How do we reach these psychos or bastards, whatever we name them, before they "reach" our little ones?

I don’t understand this particular drama in life…weird, bizarre, strange, creepy? How do you call it?

May the mighty Lord guides us to the right path and helps us seek the answers, for He knows best and we do not know.


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