The Peculiar Drama In Life...
It has been more than a week since late little Nurin was sent to heaven. But the story about her vicious murder can still be read in the newspapers. Personally, I still feel disturbed and very much uncomfortable knowing the fact that the crazy slayer(s) a.k.a the evil bastard(s) are still out there. I know the police are doing their very best to arrest the bastard(s) and to bring them to justice as soon as possible. So far, they have remanded 4 male suspects to facilitate investigations. And thanks to the FBI agents for coming here to Malaysia to assist in identifying blurred images from the CCTVs. Like other mothers, I am just concerned too much about the safety of our children. I don’t feel safe taking my little-8-year-old girl shopping anymore, always making sure that I have her hand in mine, never let her out of my sight. And if I run into any young children who have the lost look on their faces, I keep an eye on them until I see the presence of their parents. Maybe I am being para...