Making Choices

"...I'm dying inside
Nobody knows it but me..."

Life is about making choices. I never knew how difficult it is for me to do so until today. All my life, everything has been planned for me. I should do this, I shouldn't do that, do everything for the sake of others' happiness. And now why suddenly I feel I am left alone to make my own choice? So many things in my mind, so many things that I want in this short life, so many things that I have yet to accomplish, so many many many many...........

Can't seem to think right, don't know which path to take, I am completely lost and lost.

My body shivers, suddenly I could see everything's shattered, everything came tumbling down before me...

What if I make the wrong choice? What if I take the wrong path?

I'm lost and alone.

Is my road not taken this beautiful?? God knows!!

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