
Showing posts from March, 2009

Love Swans

This picture is awesome. Can't help to post it here in my blog after receiving via email from a friend who has deep passion for photography. Thanks Shah. Even animals can express their love beautifully...


Wrote this during the long, boring meeting at school today. And I mean reallllyyy longggg....and really, really borrrinnggggg..... Blank! Scribble mindlessly on a piece of blank white paper coming from a blank head! Cursing endlessly hour passes, clock ticking, doodling, blabbering, heart pounding, This meeting... doesn't seem to have the ending!! ~swan princess~

march 2nd

cyclone the whirlwind the endless blizzard with flashes of lightning deep down in the jagged heart wrench the twinge the torturing pain with thrashes of pounding throbbing its way into the edgy soul march 2nd the day i was plunged into the bottomless abyss deeply wounded and scarred the heart is… ~swan princess~